Chivita controls more than 50% of the juice market since it became a major driver of the sector after the ban on importation of fruit Juice
With the recent acquisition by Coca Cola, the brand is set to play on a bigger pedestal in the African market.
One of the brand’s commitments is improving public health through quality products
So far, innovative perception management tools have been used to stimulate stakeholders’ interest in the ‘’No added Sugar’ campaign and the consumption of fruit juice in place of fruits.
Agency is to develop a strategic, sustainable and persuasive annual reputation management plan for the Master-brand.
The plan should enable brand achieve product differentiation and brand preference. Also Agency should also leverage on the brand’s industry leadership and execution and be largely driven through third party advocacy.
The strategy adopted was to first engage key media stakeholders and a nutritionist to deconstruct the myth about sugar and fruit juice. Agency was able to exploit its media contacts to make the immersion session a huge success in terms of attendance and the exploitation.
A health and fitness expert was engaged to handle the health page leveraging series in a major newspaper, The Guardian.
The project is gaining traction as the target market is now becoming aware of the health benefits of 100% fruit juice
Having seen the benefit of the project Client is willing to continue with the campaign.